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Trust And Estate Planning
An Estate and Trust Plan That Reflects Your Wishes


Portfolio Management Service is an equity instrument wherein skilled portfolio managers and stock market professionals make sound portfolio decisions that are supported by extensive research and factual data. Additionally, it better prepares you to deal with market adversity. The portfolios are actively managed by professional debt and equity portfolio management teams who tailor the financial portfolio management service following investment objectives. Investment portfolio management experts manage portfolios by investors' return expectations and preferences. When private individuals and institutional investors invest through investment portfolio management services, they legally own units of the funds.

Formation And Arrangement

The estate planning services aid clients with the creation and formation of private family Trusts. The trust and estate planning services assist clients throughout the creation, registration, and drafting of Wills.

The estate and trust planning experts provide clients with structured guidance on a combination of various legal concerns. The estate planning and trust experts help clients mitigate personal and regulatory downsides as well as safeguard generational wealth in the long term. The trust and estate planning experts also help devise and establish a Family Governance structure. The estate planning and trust experts implement the directions of the settlor as well as distribute investment holding to the respective beneficiaries in the manner offered by the settlor.


Portfolio With Benefit Of Discretion

Portfolio management services can be discretionary or non-discretionary. Investors can opt for discretionary PMS and give the fund manager free hand to execute transactions on behalf of the client based on their best judgment. Alternatively, if you opt for a non-discretionary PMS, all transactions have to be approved by you (the client). Based on your unique needs and risk appetite, PMS creates a unique portfolio for you. This is not the case with a mutual fund that creates a single macro portfolio.

Components Of

Trust And Estate Planning In India

Grantor Or Settlor

In the estate and trust planning process, the settlor is an individual who sets up and hands out asset holdings to a trust for the benefit of the respective beneficiaries. Settlors are also referred to as a grantor. Usually, the Grantor creates the trust-related paperwork as well as has the legal authority to transfer property to the trust.


Trustees are one of the critical components of the trust and estate planning process. Trustees are also referred to as "fiduciary". Both individuals and corporations can be a trustee. The role of the trustee is to hold, manage, and monitor the trust's asset holdings and funds. They administer funds on behalf of the beneficiaries and their family member as per the trust objectives.


Property is referred to all types of asset holdings that are held under the trust. Real Estate, both commercial and residential, luxury automobiles, expensive artworks, precious metals, jewellery, and securities are investments managed under Swyom Capital’s estate and trust planning services by experts.


Property is referred to all types of asset holdings that are held under the trust. Real Estate, both commercial and residential, luxury automobiles, expensive artworks, precious metals, jewellery, and securities are investments managed under Swyom Capital’s estate and trust planning services by experts.


A Will is considered to be an official and legal declaration (statement) of the intentions of the testator (an individual who is the author of the will). The Will usually comprises of testator's desire concerning his/ her investment and asset holding. The Will comes into effect only after the testator's death. The Will devised by Swyom Capital’s trust and estate planning services allows the testator to distribute his existing wealth and assets to his near and dear ones.

Trust Deed

A trust deed is different from a will. Trust deed act as a governing document. The trust deed prepared by the trust and estate planning experts lays down the objects of the trust. The trust deed mainly outlines critical terms and conditions under which the trust holdings shall be managed, administered, and distributed as well as the responsibilities and contribution of its constituents.

Trust Advisor

A trust can have an advisor, a group of advisors, or a structured advisory Board. The advisory board/advisor's role is to assist and guide the respective trustee on the management, compliance, and administration of the Trust. Trust advisors and the advisory board are crucial for the frictionless functioning of the Trust, especially in the absence of the grantor or settlor.

Letter Of Wishes

A letter of Wish is an official document that is designed to capture the indication provided by the settlor or grantor. The letter comprises wishes that the settlor expects the trustees to abide by as well as exercises their discretion – concerning a trust.

Simplify Intergenerational Wealth Transfer With Swyom Capital

Swyom Capital’s estate and trust planning services can help high-net-worth individuals and family offices transfer the asset to their beneficiaries in a manner that aligns with their long-term objectives.


Experts offering trust and estate planning in India usually help individuals set up both Will and Trust. There is a significant difference between a Will and a Trust. The trust devised by the estate and trust planning services goes into effect just after its creation. On the other hand, the Will documented by the trust and estate planning experts only becomes effective after you pass. Additionally, both trusts will have completely different tax structures in place. The advantage of Trust is that it can remain private and avoid probate. The transfer of ownership of the asset in accordance with the Will agreement is public and goes through probate.
The trust can strike out the respective Trustee only if certain conditions are met. When setting up a trust with the help of the estate and trust planning service provider, you can mention points and outline ways to eliminate the existing Trustee. You can mention a point such as when all the beneficiaries of the trust agreement want to switch the Trustee, then change the one appointed. Apart from that, the Trustee can be removed – if they have not lived up to the responsibilities or they are no longer looking forward to performing their duties or are incapable of performing them – as mentioned in the Trust.
Absolutely yes, you can transfer your luxury automobile to your Trust. Usually, automobiles come with insurance. And insurance companies don’t always comply and don’t always have experts for managing trusts. Under such situations, you need to name the Trust, Trustees, and/ or Beneficiaries as “Additional Insureds” or else get special riders from the insurance carrier – making the process even more complicated. This is among the primary reasons why most clients opting for estate planning services choose not to put their luxury automobile in their trust.

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